Earth Defenders Toolkit
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Earth Defenders Toolkit

The Earth Defenders Toolkit is a collaborative space for earth defenders and their allies. The Toolkit provides a growing collection of resources and training materials for communities on the frontlines of the struggle to defend critical ecosystems around the world, and community networks for users to connect and share their experiences.

The mission of the Earth Defenders Toolkit is to provide and promote approaches to using technology in a way that supports local autonomy and ownership over tools and data, and reduces reliance on outside support.

Access Earth Defenders Toolkit

You may access all tools and features provided by the Earth Defenders Toolkit in its official website

Who makes Earth Defenders Toolkit

Type of available tool(s)

  • Helpful guides for communities interested in getting started on an earth defender project. 
  • An interactive tool finder to help users learn about tool(s) that are well-suited for their goals and context.
  • Featured tools that were created specifically with and for earth defender communities.
  • Case studies from earth defender communities who are successfully using technology to their advantage.
  • A collaborative forum for communities and their allies to connect and collaborate by sharing knowledge and asking questions. 

Applied for

  • Document & understand rapid changes & threats to territory
  • Create maps to communicate history & connection to land
  • Document human rights & environmental abuses
  • Reinforce local voices with concrete evidence

Highlight features


Who can benefit from this tool

  • Local and Indigenous Communities
  • Environmental Land Monitors
  • Governmental Land Surveillance Bodies
  • Academics
  • Civil Society Organizations

Available languages

Earth Defenders Toolkit is available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French.