In the Context of the COP 1 to the Escazú Agreement, a parallel event was made, called What Peru and its environmental advocates lose with the postponement of the Escazú Agreement, with participation of evnironmental advocates from Cusco and Apurimac and representatives from institutions such as Asociación Interétnica de Desarrollo de la Selva Peruana (AIDESEP), EarthRights International, the Ombudsman’s Office of Peru and the Congress of the Republic of Perú.
- Teresita Antazú – Yanesha Leader – Dirigenta de AIDESEP
- Rodolfo Abarca, Criminalized Advocate, Apurímac.
- Victoria Quispesivana, Criminalized Advocate, Cusco
- Ana María Vidal Advocate Coordinator for The Amazon Program of EarthRights International
- Percy Castillo. Deputy for Human Rights and People with Disability- Ombudsman’s Office of Peru
- Ruth Luque- Congresswoman of the Republic.

Name: ¿Qué pierden el Perú y sus defensoras y defensores ambientales con la postergación del Acuerdo de Escazú?
Language: Spanish